Monday, January 25, 2010

Sorobon Beach, Bonaire

Definitely my favorite of the islands we visited. The Dutch sure know
how to add beauty to already gorgeous islands.
The light colored foreground is clear water on white sand. The
midground is green sea grass (it was roped off for conservation). The
background shows the many windsurfers (this beach was very windy).
Interestingly, Sorobon is advertised as a "naturists resort", (read: nude beach)
but the kind fellow from the Tourists Information booth in Kralendijk
failed to mention that when he highly recommended it.  {Was he grinning
when he made the recommendation?  I think he just may have been...}
*Note to self: send compliments and guilders to said tourist info booth.

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous beaches Charles! This trip was amazing! Wish I could have seen Charlie building sand castles on the beach! What a beautiful sight that would be!



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