Monday, February 8, 2010

Orange Sky

We traveled to Utah in early December to spend time with T's mother, whose battle I have alluded to briefly in the past.  As we came home from the airport we were bathed in the strangest orange glow which contrasted starkly and beautifully with the deep hoar frost on the trees.  So when we got all of our luggage in the house, I went back out into the sub-zero temperatures to get some photographs.  It really was quite striking, and I reflect on these images often.  

What wonderful and strange light we get in Alaska, especially during the winter when all the pay customers have left.  I find that ironic and satisfying, for some smug reason.  It's like we have this secret winter paradise that everyone down in the 48 imagines to be a 6 month scrum of misery for those of us residing here.  I hope I don't perturb my fellow Alaskans at slipping out a titch of our secret!
Here are some more shots taken at the same time:
Front of House
Closeup of Birch and Flag
I would have featured this photo if the orange had been as brilliant as the one I ended up choosing.
Back of House
There was no iPhone Photo Blog (not maintained by me, anyway) when I shot these photos, but I remember distinctly having the song Orange Sky by Alexi Murdoch playing in my head that evening.  So when I heard that song this morning while snowblowing I thought I'd post pictures from this series instead of looking for a different photo today.  I want to get straight to the day's activity; a Lego Millenium Falcon with Q while we watch the Super Bowl.

I first heard Alexi on a radio program called etown that plays Saturday mornings on KNBA here in Anchorage.  I must admit I don't care for the tireless ramblings about beating ourselves / each other up over using paper products and heating our homes with natural gas, etc... but I know a lot of folks tune in specifically for that.  And no, I am not oblivious to the fact that many reading or stumbling across my blog will be similarly annoyed with my ramblings on music, or the amateur photography for that matter.  We all like what we like, and extract what's of interest to us from the sources we choose to look at, right?
In just that way, I tune in to etown for the live music and interviews.  Similar programs I seek out in order of preference are World Cafe hosted by David Dye at WXPN in Philly (in my opinion the best radio station, and best radio show ever, which I have followed since 1995); Live from Mountain Stage recorded in West Virginia; and then etown in Colorado.
So getting back to Alexi Murdoch... I remember driving to Border's Bookstore here in Anchorage a few years back, and etown featured Alexi over my radio.  He played 3 or 4 songs of his EP album, and Orange Sky was one of them.  It was stop-the-car-and-listen powerful and beautiful to me then, and it remains so today.  He was born in London but then spent time growing up around the world in some amazing places... Scotland, Greece, France, and I think he said New Zealand?  I also think he was studying at Duke University when he started putting out his music, but I didn't see that on Wikipedia (or any mention of New Zealand, for that matter).
What I did see on Wiki was distressing, and previously unknown to me.  This song has been featured in the following tv shows or movies: O.C., House, Ugly Betty, Prison Break, Dirty Sexy Money, Ladder 49, Garden State, Paradise Now, and Southland.  

Cripes!  That level of commercializing a song probably makes Moby feel uncomfortable!  Which is not a criticism... just a comment.  Like my selfish wish to keep this winter paradise all to myself and the small populace already residing in Alaska, sometimes I like to think special songs like this are above the fray of mass consumption.  I know that's utterly ridiculous, and I also know that this guy is a hard working and talented musician who deserves to live comfortably for his efforts.  I'm just saying I liked it better when I thought I was the only one who had this little nugget in my treasure chest.
I'll definitely be featuring other Alexi Murdoch songs as the blog progresses, and hope that if you haven't heard him to date, that you enjoy him now.  Hmmm... even if you've heard him to date, why not enjoy his music again, now?  The lyrics are a tribute to family; really nice.  Some people even call it a 'hymn', though I don't know exactly what makes something a hymn or not.
Parting Comments

I was perusing a friends web page the other day and noticed she does a lovely job of putting links to show where she's found certain bits of information.  I like that, and feel goofy for not having done it before.  So you'll note I'm following her lead here.  There is no expectation that you'll follow those links, but they are there if you would like to.

Finally, I must say that I am thrilled with all the public (posted) and private (email) comments regarding the Elliott Smith feature the other day.  I was worried about posting him and doing his music a disservice.  Now that I know most enjoyed it and hadn't been exposed to him before, I'll be sure to feature him often.

And now... please pass the guacamole.  It's game time!
Until tomorrow... thank you for looking, listening and reading.  CCE

ADDENDUM:  Wow, the Saints did it!  I didn't give them much of a chance; and if they played the Colts next week I still wouldn't give them much of a chance.  That's why I'm not living off my gambling earnings in Vegas, I suppose. 


  1. Wow. This is simply a stunning photo, my favorite to date I think. I never would have believed nature would have combined such elements if you hadn't captured them.

  2. The orange skies were amazing in your picture! I enjoyed the music as well, it was very soothing!

  3. Wow, wow, wow! That is just beautiful!

  4. Thanks, W, J, and B! I hoped you'd like the orange skies... I've been saving them for a "special post", and sneaking a peak at the stats, it looks like other's enjoyed it too. Of course, Alexi Murdoch didn't hurt the venture either, I think. :)



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