Wednesday, December 22, 2010

I Wish I Was The Moon (Tonight)

I Wish I Was The Moon - Neko Case
My very first blog entry on 01.01.10 was the Blue Moon of the new year, 2010; and I posted pics of the Wolf Moon of 2010 on 01.30.10.  Obviously I never tire of gazing at the Moon.
 Last night I spent several hours looking at the stars, Venus, and the last Full Moon of 2010 through my son's telescope.  At the time I was listening to Sigur Rós's classic album Agaetis Byrjun, but this lovely song by Neko Case came to mind even then.  
Clearly these photos won't make National Geographic's glossy pages; but to shoot them with a 2 megapixel iPhone camera is something I'm proud of, just the same.  I think these photos are better than those taken earlier in the year, and I'm just kicking myself that I could not get a good photo of the lunar eclipse one evening prior.
This blog entry is in honor of one of my all-time favorite human beings, who just happens to be a fellow admirer of all things Lunar: J.Rasmussen.


  1. Dang! I have never been able to get a picture of the moon with my really good camera! Awesome photo!!

  2. thanks, tracey! i've spent quite a few hours trying to make it work with the telescope. thanks for the compliment! how goes the professorship?

  3. Nice job. So how did you hook your camera phone to telescope?

  4. Wow! Love the pictures of the Alaskan moon, so magical! You captured it so well!

  5. ryan - i don't actually hook the camera phone to the telescope; i just hold the lens up to the eyepiece on the scope. it's really tricky, and to get the few shots i posted here i probably spent a full hour. the lens has to be held just perfect; a tiny tilt fore or aft and the moon's out of view. i bet you could get some REAL shots of the moon... but then... you're a pro, so i shouldn't feel self-conscious by comparison, right?! :)

  6. CCE, these are too good! your 2mp iPhone must have been the cream of Apple's crop; amazing you could hold it steady to allow enough light - but I suppose 8 years of surgical training helps! CTE

  7. you're very kind, cte. i know you, blwe and ese could all do better - but i thank you just the same. i can assure you, i take dozens of photos that get trashed just for a few relatively clear shots. so it's not really a "steady hand"... it's more of a bull-headed stubbornness that gets it done for me! cce



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