I captured this photo of rock behind a frozen cascade of icicles along the Turnagain Arm of the Cook Inlet. There are many such sights along the Arm, but this one was perhaps the most spectacular of the drive. When I look at it I think of an icy cave, or perhaps a very cold eye.
Here are a few additional shots to show the scope of ice fall:
The Cave Singers of Seattle had put out two albums before I learned of them, and I was kicking myself for not having discovered them sooner. They have a raw, unkempt sound that resonates with me on some days... while on other days it does not so much. Today it does, and I like how their tune fits my photo.
Q and I were sitting in a rental car in Utah last December while T looked for wrapping paper, or stickers, or was it greeting cards? I don't think it really mattered; she wanted to unload some of our cash on a vendor, any vendor, and just so happened to be in a store that was dedicated to accommodating her wish. Ain't America grand?
The real point is that while we were sitting there and waiting for her, we were listening to KRCL, which in Utah is the equivalent of KNBA in Anchorage, or WXPN in Philly: "Listener Supported, Commercial Free" radio. They rolled a track by Cave Singers and I was caught up in their strange sound. I remember thinking at some point during the tune, 'my goodness, what if I don't catch the name of the band?' That's when I remembered I had Shazam, and went fumbling through my pockets for the iPhone to use that app and figure out the song and band. By that evening I owned both Cave Singer albums, and find plenty of occasions to enjoy their sound. Hopefully they have a sound you might enjoy incorporating in to the soundtrack of your life too, wherever you may be.
Until tomorrow... thank you for looking, listening and reading. CCE