Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sun Comes Up, It's Tuesday Morning


I was driving home this morning after dropping Q off at school, when I saw a pretty cloud pattern over the Chugach Mountains.  I stopped off at Carr's Grocery for a warm beverage and cream cheese danish, then drove to the parking lot of an east Anchorage movie theater.  I took quite a few photos, but liked this one the best.  

I chose Sun Comes Up, It's Tuesday Morning by the Cowboy Junkies as today's song for four reasons:  1) you already know I love the Cowboy Junkies, having featured them once to date, 2) the song's title and mood fit my photo wonderfully, 3) this photo of a sunrise was taken on a Tuesday morning, and 4) I won't have to belabor the minutia of the Junkies since I've already done that.  That itself is nice for two reasons:  1)  alas - I am no young man brimming with energy, nor was I ever (still jet-lagged), and 2) I have heard from several readers who would prefer less banter about the songs I select.  

I'm nothing if not democratic - so I'll strip it down to the photo and song for a few days and see if that makes the blog more palatable.

Speaking of palatable... here is that cream cheese danish which may have been created by an ostracized relative of Jackson Pollock:

Until tomorrow... thank you for looking, listening and reading.  CCE 

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