Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Gone to Earth

I shot this picture of our floor globe last weekend, intending to post it eventually in this blog.  I'm posting it now because I've just spent about 5 hours trying to figure out how to link a song for a different photo I wanted to post tonight, but the song wasn't on playlist.com.  AAAAAARGH!  I could just pull my hair out!  But since I only have a few dozen hairs left, I shall take a deep, calming breath, and post my globe photo.
{Deep breath.}
Okay.  I feel a titch better.  
It is fairly uncommon to get direct sunlight in our living room during the winter, so when it happens it makes our ordinary furniture, decorations, and even the paint on our walls come alive with light and shadows.  I always go scrambling for my camera at those times, as if it's the last time it will ever occur.  I'm such a simpleton.
I enjoy rich colors and texture in photos, and this globe photo has both.  Just that little pinch of sunlight and it becomes something special for me to look at.  My favorite feature of the house is the bank of 9 windows in the living room, and that's what provided the light for this photo.  Here are those windows taken at the same time the globe photo was shot (I know I've shown them before, but they always look new to me almost every time I look at them, so I cannot resist reshooting them!):
The Bank of 9
The American Analog Set is a nice shoegazer band that has a consistently mellow, yet steady beat.  An excellent choice when you're driving, if you're me.  This song Gone to Earth comes off their 4th album, Know By Heart; my favorite of their albums.  The track is rather short and simple, and that is part of the charm.
The receiver in my rocket ship
Always stays in tune
To the right waveband
In galaxies unknown.
And that, my friends, is my own constant hope and desire.
Parting Comments
If anyone out there knows how to add a song to playlist.com so I can post it with a photo here, I'd be most appreciative to learn how.  It was devastating to spend so much time on a blog / photo and then not have the song I had matched for it in my mind.  All the same, now that I've been listening to Gone to Earth on loop for 30 minutes, life is good again.
Until tomorrow... thank you for looking, listening and reading.  CCE

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