Thursday, February 25, 2010

Wooden Heart

This is a small wooden folk sculpture of an angel holding a star that T has on the dresser in our guest room.  It is very simple and rustic, and that is where most of its charm lies, if you're in to this sort of thing.  While most are not in to folk anything... from this blog you can probably tell that we like folk music and folk art quite a bit within these few walls.
There is nothing complicated about this little piece, so I won't detract from it with another epic-length entry.  I'll allow the image and the song to express it all better than I can do it in words.
Here is a view of our wooden angel's reflection staring at the iPhone camera's lens through a mirror:
Perhaps she is following my instructions from #55 and chastising herself for not taking proper advantage of Pho Xe Lua in Chinatown, Philly?
Wooden Heart by the Duke Spirit (out of London) is a really nice song that fits the quiet mood of the photo I am featuring today.  The rawness of the Duke Spirit's sound also fits the rustic folk sculpture quite nicely.  M.C.D. introduced me to the Duke Spirit last year, and they've found their way into permanent and regular musical rotation in my life's soundtrack ever since.  Most of their music is much more visceral and 'loud', and many days I seek them out specifically for that. This track is slower than their usual fare, and it suits my blog just perfectly.

Parting Comments

I'm pooped.  After a few hairy days at work, and after staying up later than usual last night to write a blog on pho that even Leo Tolstoy would have considered 'wordy'... I'm ready for a short night.  To quote the Duke Spirit in Wooden Heart

No one wastes time like I do;
I can waste time like nobody else.
Until tomorrow...  I would understand your heart if I could feel itAnd... repeat.  CCE

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