Thursday, April 1, 2010

Neighborhood Pizza Parlor

Support your local pizza joints.
Uncle Joe's Pizza - Huffman. 
Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels) - Arcade Fire 
If Radiohead are The Art Band of the past 20 years; then Arcade Fire must be The Art Band of the next 20 years.  
Check out their albums 'EP', 'Funeral' and 'Neon Bible', and be amazed.  
You'll be able to tell your grandkids "Yeah... I knew 'em back when they were just comin' up."  

When they doubt you, just show them the tattoo on your wrinkly sacrum that reads 'Arcade Fire Rules - 2010', and that should pretty much settle it.  
Oh, and have an answer prepared for Child Protective Services when they show up to your door wondering why you're exposing your sacrum to children...

...and by the way, remind me why you're exposing your sacrum to children?!


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